Mark Cortejos
Web Developer
Professional front-end developer based in Toronto, Ontario. Passionate about building awesome things, crafting memorable experiences and eating donuts. Full-time geek, life-long learner.
TO AdvoTech
Re-launched TO AdvoTech website. Built with jQuery and Three.js. Developed alongside Dennis McLeod. Designed by Sandhya Kumar.
Lit Tracker
An app to guide you to your reading goals by making lists of books to read. Uses React.js, the Goodreads API, and Firebase. Developed alongside Allie Deegan, Brian Armitage, and Derek Luu.
D&D Infinity Scroll
An app for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons that makes searching and filtering through spells easy. Built with React.js and uses the open5e API for D&D 5e spells.
Mad Max Name Generator
Roll your new persona for the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max! An interactive name generator powered by jQuery and JavaScript.
A trivia game that tests your computer and math knowledge with questions from the Open Trivia Database. Developed in partnership with Olfa Maslah using JavaScript and jQuery.
A responsive, multi-page PSD conversion from Layout made with Flexbox. Built with HTML5, CSS3, and SASS.
A responsive, single-page PSD conversion. Layout obtained via and laid out with floats only. Built with HTML5 and CSS3.